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proliant.ru > Каталог > HP Carrier-Grade Platforms > HP BladeSystem c7000 Enclosure and Server Blades - Carrier Grade Supplement

HP BladeSystem c7000 Enclosure and Server Blades - Carrier Grade Supplement

Блейд-система c7000 carrier-grade enclosure в форм-факторе 10U с поддержкой до 16 блейд-серверов половинной высоты или 8 полноразмерных.

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Enclosure-HP BladeSystem c7000 carrier-grade enclosure
Dimensions Height: 10U, 17.4 in. (442 mm)
Width: 17.5 in. (445 mm)
Depth: 36.7 in. (933 mm)
Enclosure weight Unboxed: 450 lb.
Shipping: 493 lb.
Rack size 40 in. (1000 mm)
Backplane interface (512) 10GbE
2-8 GE
Fibre Channel
2 custom mezzanine per blade
CPU payload slots 16 half-height
Cooling 400+ watts per half-height bay
DC input module Replaces AC input module
Connects power supplies to input feeds
DC power supply High-efficiency, -48 V input, 12 V/2250 W output power supply accommodates full -36 V to -72 V input range
..Rated input current per power supply: 75 A
..Rated input power per power supply: 2700 W
..Max input current per line cord: 75 A
..Max input power per line cord: 2700 W
..Operating temperature range: -5° to 55° C
..Input hold up: 0.5 ms
..RoHS compliance: 6 of 6
Replaces AC-input power supply and has same rated output voltage and power
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